Tuesday, November 22, 2011

2012 Goals

Going with Simplicity in 2012. This is what I'll work on every day.

1. Be a great husband - Only one person can tell me this.
2. Be a great father - Only one ok maybe two can tell me this.
3. Be a stronger person socially, spiritually and mentally - Everyone can weigh in on this.
4. Spend Dramatically less than I make and save the rest - The Bank will tell me this one. Oh and of course Mary has a say too.
5. 100,000 page views on this blog - You the reader will help out on this. At this point any advice or comments are worth it. What do you like, what don't you like, what should I write more of, what should I stop writing about.

It's a good life....

1 comment:

jameson said...

#1 & #4 are on my list as well.

I am also adding:
1. train less
2. train harder
3. do everything i can to help beth live the "Pro" dream & be successful (different than #1 on your list)