The first is Fin Camp. I call it that because I said I was going to Boot Camp for swimming and my buddy Scott said, "You are going to Fin Camp". Here's the workout:
300 warm up
400 - 300 -200- 100 - Swim -Kick - Drill 10 seconds rest
8 X (100 Swim Kick Drill/10 push ups + 50 fast/30 seconds plank + 25 underwater/10 dips or 10 cross overs with a heavy ball) the rest is the push ups-planks-dips on the deck.
4 X (90 seconds plank with variations of difficulty. We're talking wobbly hard. Then Lunge down the deck to the other end of the pool - swim back.)
4 X 50 cool down.
Total Swim distance 3000 yards
80 push ups
40 dips
40 cross overs
Lots and lots of planks with 100 yards of lunging.
On the 90 seconds plank with variation we had to finish the last 3 with a 5 second descend on a push up, hold at the bottom 1 inch off the deck for 5 seconds and then push back up.
I could not feel my arms after this workout.
My favorite workout was a 30 minute run with Marco. We ran the trail along the tracks. Then we headed to the school soccer field for some barefoot drills and strides. We finished up by playing catch with the football for 10 minutes. Just a great father/son morning.
It's a good life....