Friday, March 14, 2014

Thank a Teacher

Most of you know that my wife Mary is a school teacher. High School, 10th graders and all the drama involved. Here is what it takes to be a School Teacher:

4:15 a.m. Alarm Sounds

  •  Prepare for the day ahead
  • Eat Breakfast
  • Make two lunches (Marco and Mary) 
6:00 a.m. Depart for School

6:30 - 7:30 - Prep for the day

7:30 - 2:30 - Teach, Love, Teach, Love, Teach, Love

2:30 - 3:30 - Meet with Parents, Meet with other teachers

4:30 pm - Walk Niki the Dog

5:00pm - Run or Walk, Help with homework. 

7:00pm - Eat Dinner with the Family (Most of the time she cooks it too) 

7:30 - 10:00 - Grade Papers, Research for upcoming classes, answer emails from students, parents or faculty, talk to students 

Sleep, Repeat. 

Notice there is no time to watch TV. There is very little "me" time. From day #1 of each Semester to the last day of the Semester this is the schedule. If you know a teacher, you know this schedule well. If you have students, thank their teachers. They don't do this for the money. They don't do this for the summer vacation. They do this because they Love your kids. There is no 8 hour day for this teacher. There is just a day devoted to the future of this community, our kids. 

It's a good life...

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